
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2019

A country that I would like to visit

Hi!  Since today we have talk about a country to which we would like to travel; I will talk about Japan. As a child I liked to watch anime series and Japanese movies (like those of Studio Ghibli), and I loved how different that culture was, so it started to draw my attention all about that country, that’s why today I write about it. If one day I traveled there, I would like to visit the Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples that exist. Everything in Japan is very different, the old traditions are combined with the great modernity they have, so there is much to see! As I like anime and all those geeky things, I think the first thing I would visit would be Akihabara, a neighborhood in Tokyo where you can get anime, manga, costumes (which are cosplay), figures and much more! On the other hand I would like to visit Asakusa, an iconic Buddhist temple right there in Tokyo. There are many things that I love in Japan and I would love to live there! Of course, after learning to speak